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Trademark Registration in Ludhiana

Trademark is a sign that brings a lot to the business in respect of unique reorganization, high preferential, sense of competition, easy business promotions and lots more. A trademark can be represent in the form of word, numbers, 3D sketch, image, slogan, phrase, sound icon design and many more as per prescribed list. The main objective of trademark is to make one manufacturer different from another; so that users can easily find their favorite brand by selecting the business mark. Putting a trademark with product or service is also known by labeling.

Here; under this segment we bring you with trademark in Ludhiana where you can find complete set of trademark services in Ludhiana including trademark search, trademark protection, trademark registration, trademark filing application, trademark watch and lots more. As in these days of advance marketing; the use of trademark has played a vital role in getting the business on the licit path. As per the trademark act 1999 in India; products and services are divided into a total of 45 classes (34 classes of goods + 11 classes of services) in the trademark application must specify which classes of goods or services to be covered. Trademark and protects the sign applied only in relation to specified classes of goods or services. It is therefore not preclude the existence of a similar or identical mark, if not overlapping classes of goods or services for which those marks are entered.

The trademark owner has the exclusive right to use the mark in connection with goods or services for which it is protected. The trademark owner is entitled to use it together with the symbol (R) or ®. Without the consent of the trademark owner may not trade one trademark.

By using the following definitions apply:
  • You can place your trademark on any of business�s products or their packaging,
  • Offer products under this business mark, get familiar the market about the same trademark.
  • Import or export of goods under the same business sign,
  • Using the trademark or any of the business sign on company letter head, promotional banners, visiting cards, business papers use for advertising.

The registration of a trademark shall be a written application on the prescribed form to the Office of Industrial Property. The application shall include a list of products and services for which registration is sought trademarks, in order of each class. In practice, there is no need to list exactly for which products or services, the protection is sought; sufficient to determine the application numbers of the required classes and their headers.

Under trademark registration in Ludhiana; Industrial Property Office shall review the submitted application in terms of whether it contains all the prescribed requirements and whether the mark contains elements of the earlier mark another owner if it could lead to confusion with the earlier mark. If the aforesaid conditions are fulfilled, the Office shall publish in the Gazette. Since the publication of the application running within 3 months, which may be a third party to file objections on the grounds that the publication of the trademark similar to an earlier trade mark, owned by the opponent. After the successful verification of the proposed trademark application a certificate of trademark registration in Ludhiana issue to its owner.

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