Trademark Registration in Rohtak
As per the trademark act 1999 in India the business mark may be a sign capable of graphic representation that can be of any form including letter, words, design, colors, 3d sketch, shapes, icon, slogans, phrase and many more. That can only registered if capable of distinguishing goods or services of different people. Here under this segment we bring you with the best of trademark in rohtak where our certified team of attorneys and solicitors will help you in getting trademark registration in Rohtak.
Do not be registered designations that:- Can be represented graphically,
- Not distinctive,
- Consists exclusively of signs serving in the shop, the data on the geographical origin ...
- Consists exclusively of signs customary in the current language
- Consists exclusively of the shape of the product,
- Is contrary to order public or morality,
- Could mislead the public about the nature, quality or origin of goods or services,
- Is applied for wines and spirits with a false geographical indication,
- Would be contrary to the obligations of the Czech Republic, international treaties,
- Contains high symbolic value, especially religious symbols,
- Apparently not filed in good faith.
- The owner has the exclusive right (monopoly) to use the trade mark in relation to goods or services for which it is protected, in conjunction with the trademark brand. On the sign can be licensed, transferred it (sell) to another person or her pledge.
- Without the consent of the owner never be used on the same sign for identical goods or services, as well as similar sign for similar goods or services, if there was a likelihood of confusion. By using the means, in particular placing the product offering, storage, import or export, use the papers and in advertising.
- The owner has the right to seek a court ban on violations of trade mark rights and compensation for damages.
- To anyone who markets products or services, which bear the same or similar designation, has the right to know the origin of products or relevant documents.
For trademark registration in Rohtak; on need to file your application for registration in Delhi as there are four offices of trademark registration including in Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Chennai. As per the area or region you can file your application to the closest office of TM. Along with application you also need to pay registration fees along with file all the require documents and legal forms. After verification of the forms the concern authority will issue you a certificate of trademark registration in Rohtak.