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Trademark Renewal

Trademark works as a legal identity or serves as a brand to the whole patrons of a business enterprise or an organization once it's registered. Trademark comes at many forms including a word or a phrase or a graphical representation of a company about the goods and services it has been dealing with. Trademark renewal refers to the re-registration of a particular trademark once it expired; a trademark is registered for ten years as per the trademark registration act and rules and regulations of a country. Every trademark firm has been providing trademark renewal services to aspiring and existing trademark owners at a point of time. As per the trademark registration rules and regulations, a trademark should be renewed before six months of expiration or it will be cancelled if not done properly as per the act of law. Every business try to keep their reputation and name intact by renewing their existing trademark and therefore, it's inevitable to seek the help of a trademark attorney in order register a trademark again for the sake of business.

How to Renew a Trademark Registration

Trademark renewal is again a legal process like trademark registration and it should be done with proper guidance and knowledge of successful trademark attorney or a trademark lawyer. A trademark owner should know it prior to its expiry in order to save the declining reputation of an enterprise. One should approach a trademark registration firm before six months of trademark expiry as per the trademark registration rules and regulations in India. A trademark application for trademark renewal is mandatory in order to register it again in the name of a trademark owner for another ten years. The legal validity of a registered trademark is for ten years as per the trademark registration rules and regulations since its inception. Again, the existing trademark owner should pay the trademark renewal fee for its registration as per the Government law.

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